• Universiti Malaya High Voltage Lab (UMHVL)
  • h.illias@um.edu.my
  • +60379674483


H.A. Illias, G. Chen, and P.L. Lewin, "Partial Discharge Behaviour within Two Spherical Cavities in a Dielectric Material," IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Cancun, Mexico, 2011. (ISI/SCOPUS Cited Publication)
H.A. Illias, G. Chen, and P.L. Lewin, "Measurement of Partial Discharge Activities within Two Artificial Spherical Voids in an Epoxy Resin," IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Cancun, Mexico, 2011. (ISI/SCOPUS Cited Publication)


H. Mokhlis, A.H.A. Bakar, H.A. Illias and M.F. Shafie, "Insulation Coordination Study of 275kV AIS Substation in Malaysia," Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, Shanghai, China, 2012, pp. 1-4. (ISI/SCOPUS Cited Publication)
H.A. Illias, A.H.A. Bakar, H. Mokhlis, M.A. Tunio, G. Chen, P.L. Lewin and A.M. Ariffin, "Simulation of partial discharge within a void under square waveform applied voltage," IEEE Conference on Electrical insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Montreal, Canada, October 2012. (ISI/SCOPUS Cited Publication)
H. A. Illias, Z.H. Lee, A.H.A. Bakar, H. Mokhlis and A.M. Ariffin, "Distribution of electric field in medium voltage cable joint geometry," IEEE International Conference of Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis, Bali, Indonesia, September 2012. (ISI/SCOPUS Cited Publication)
A. Mohd Ariffin, N. Mat Tajudin and H. A. Illias, "Investigation on Electroluminescence as Pre-Breakdown Phenomenon within Dielectric Materials used for Cable Insulation," IEEE International Conference of Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis, Bali, Indonesia, September 2012. (ISI/SCOPUS Cited Publication)
H.A. Illias, T.J. Low, A.H.A. Bakar and H. Mokhlis, "Partial Discharge Simulation under Various Applied Voltage Waveforms," IEEE Power and Energy Conference, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, December 2012. (ISI/SCOPUS Cited Publication)
H.A. Illias, M. Tunio, A.H.A. Bakar and H. Mokhlis, "Distribution of Electric Field in Capacitor and Surge Arrester Bushings," IEEE Power and Energy Conference, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, December 2012. (ISI/SCOPUS Cited Publication)
H.A. Illias, Q.L. Ng, A.H.A. Bakar, H. Mokhlis and A.M. Ariffin, "Electric field distribution in 132 kV XLPE cable termination model from finite element method," IEEE International Conference of Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis, Bali, Indonesia, September 2012. (ISI/SCOPUS Cited Publication)
H.A. Illias,S.Y. Teo, A.H.A. Bakar, H. Mokhlis, G. Chen, P.L. Lewin, "Partial Discharge Patterns in High Voltage Insulation," IEEE Power and Energy Conference, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, December 2012. (ISI/SCOPUS Cited Publication)
H.A. Illias, Z.H. Lee, A.H.A. Bakar, H. Mokhlis, G. Chen and P. L. Lewin, "Electric field distribution in 132 kV one piece premolded cable joint structures," IEEE International Conference of Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis, Bali, Indonesia, September 2012. (ISI/SCOPUS Cited Publication)
A. Mohd Ariffin, T.M. Kuan, S. Sulaiman and H.A. Illias, "Application of Time Domain Reflectometry Technique in Detecting Water Tree Degradation within Polymeric-Insulated Cable," International Conference of Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis, Bali, Indonesia, September 2012. (ISI/SCOPUS Cited Publication)
A.H.A. Bakar, H. Mokhlis, S.A. Halim, S.S.M. Isa, H.A. Illias,"Analysis of Arrester Energy for 132kV Overhead Transmission Line due to Back Flashover and Shielding Failure," Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, Shanghai, China, March 2012. (ISI/SCOPUS Cited Publication)
N.H.N. Hassan, A.H.A Bakar, H. Mokhlis and H.A. Illias, "Analysis of Arrester Energy for 132 kV Overhead Transmission Line due to Back Flashover and Shielding Failure," IEEE Power and Energy Conference, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, December 2012.


F. N. Fessol, A. M. Ariffin, and H. A. Illias, "Influence of underground cable insulation parameters on transient overvoltages," IEEE International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO), Langkawi, Malaysia, 2013, pp. 362-365. (ISI/SCOPUS Cited Publication)
H. A. Illias, M. E. Othman, M. A. Tunio, A. H. A. Bakar, H. Mokhlis, G. Chen, P. L. Lewin, and A. M. Ariffin, "Measurement and simulation of partial discharge activity within a void cavity in a polymeric power cable model," IEEE International Conference on Solid Dielectrics (ICSD), Bologna, Italy, 2013, pp. 105-108. (ISI/SCOPUS Cited Publication)
H. A. Illias, H. R. Yon, A. H. A. Bakar, H. Mokhlis, G. Chen, P. L. Lewin, and A. M. Ariffin, "Modelling of partial discharge pulses in high voltage cable insulation using finite element analysis software," IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC), Ottawa, Canada, 2013, pp. 52-56. (ISI/SCOPUS Cited Publication)


H.A. Illias, G. Altamimi, A.H.A. Bakar, H. Mokhlis and N. Mokhtar, " Corona Discharges under Various Types of Electrodes," IEEE Power and Energy Conference, Kuching, Malaysia, December 2014. (ISI/SCOPUS Cited Publication)
J. K. Wong, H.A. Illias, A.H.A. Bakar and H. Mokhlis, " Investigation of Partial Discharge Severity at XLPE Cable without Termination," IEEE Power and Energy Conference, Kuching, Malaysia, December 2014. (ISI/SCOPUS Cited Publication)
H.A. Illias, S.Y. Teo, A.H.A. Bakar, H. Mokhlis and N. Mokhtar, " Flashover Voltage of Insulator String Under Various Conditions," IEEE Power and Energy Conference, Kuching, Malaysia, December 2014. (ISI/SCOPUS Cited Publication)
H.A. Illias,  A.H.A. Bakar, M.K. Othman, and H. Mokhlis, “Fault diagnosis of GIS switchgear using historical data,” IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference, Philadelphia, USA, June 2014. (ISI/SCOPUS Cited Publication)
A. Hassanvand, H.A. Illias, H. Mokhlis, and A.H.A Bakar, “Effects of Corona Ring Dimensions on the Electric Field Distribution on 132 kV Glass Insulator,” IEEE International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference, Langkawi, Malaysia, March 2014. (ISI/SCOPUS Cited Publication)
C.T. Teh, H.A. Illias, H. Mokhlis, and A.H.A Bakar, “Investigation on return stroke current amplitude using Heidler and modified transmission line exponential functions,” IEEE International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference, Langkawi, Malaysia, March 2014. (ISI/SCOPUS Cited Publication)
H.A. Illias, H. Mokhlis, and A.H.A Bakar, “Temperature Increment in High Voltage Copper Conductor Under Various Applied Current Waveforms,” IEEE International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference, Langkawi, Malaysia, March 2014. (ISI/SCOPUS Cited Publication)


H.A. Illias, Y.F. Tan, A.H. Abu Bakar and H. Mokhlis, “Partial Discharge Pulse Propagation and Attenuation in Power Cable Insulation: Simulation in Finite Element Method,” International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference, Malacca, Malaysia, March 2015.
N.A. Abdul Latiff, H.A. Illias and A.H. Abu Bakar, “Analysis of Leakage Current on 11kV Zinc Oxide Surge Arrester Using Finite Element Method,” International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference, Malacca, Malaysia, March 2015.
S. Dabbak, H.A. Illias, B.C. Ang and M.A. Tunio, “Surface Discharge Characteristics on HDPE, LDPE and PP,” International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference, Malacca, Malaysia, March 2015.


N.A.A. Latiff, H.A. Illias, A.H.A. Bakar, “Condition monitoring of discharged ZnO surge arrester on temperature distribution under various design conditions,” IEEE International Conference of Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis, Xi’an, China, September 2016. (ISI/SCOPUS Cited Publication)
H.A. Illias, A.F.M. Zahari and H. Mokhlis, “Optimisation of PID controller for load frequency control in two-area power system using evolutionary particle swarm optimisation,” International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference, Selangor, Malaysia, March 2016.


H.A. Illias, X.R. Chai, "Transformer insulation diagnosis using artificial hybrid intelligence-modified particle swarm optimisation," IEEE Conference on Energy Conversion (CENCON 2017), UTM Kuala Lumpur, Oct 2017. (ISI/SCOPUS Cited Publication)


J.K. Wong, T.S. Lau, W.K. Lai, K.M. Goh, H.A. Illias, A.H.A. Bakar, "Feature Pruning for Partial Discharge Classification using Modified IndFeat and Relieff Algorithm," IEEE International Conference on Dielectrics, pp. 1-4, Budapest, Hungary, July 2018. (ISI/SCOPUS Cited Publication)


H. A. Illias, N. S. Ishak, H. Mokhlis, M. Z. Hossain, "IoT-based Hybrid Renewable Energy Harvesting System from Water Flow," Power and Energy Conference 2020, Penang, Malaysia, 7-8 December 2020.
H.A. Illias, N. Nurjannah, "Optimization of Load Frequency Control Performance for Two-Area Power System using Particle Swarm Optimization," International Conference on Communication, Electrical and Computer Network, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 1-4, 2020.
H.A. Illias, X.R. Chai, "Hybrid artificial neural network - gravitational search algorithm for power transformer oil diagnosis," International Conference on Communication, Electrical and Computer Network, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 1-4, 2020.


H. A. Illias, C. Kai Choon, W. Z. Liang, H. Mokhlis, A. M. Ariffin and M. Fairouz Mohd Yousof, "Fault Identification in Power Transformers Using Dissolve Gas Analysis and Support Vector Machine," 2021 IEEE International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials (ICPADM), 2021, pp. 33-36, doi: 10.1109/ICPADM49635.2021.9493970.
H. A. Illias, C. Zern Hong, K. Aramugam, H. Mokhlis, A. M. Ariffin and M. Fairouz Mohd Yousof, "Optimization of Grading Ring Design for Metal Oxide Arrester Using Gravitational Search Algorithm," 2021 IEEE International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials (ICPADM), 2021, pp. 13-16, doi: 10.1109/ICPADM49635.2021.9493910.
S. M. Al-Ameri, A. Allawy Alawady, M. F. Mohd Yousof, M. Saufi Kamarudin and H. A. Illias, "The Effect of Tap Changer Coking and Pitting on Frequency Response Analysis Measurement of Transformer," 2021 IEEE International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials (ICPADM), 2021, pp. 21-24, doi: 10.1109/ICPADM49635.2021.9493956.
M. Fairouz Mohd Yousof, A. Allawy Alawady, S. Mgammal Al-Ameri, N. Azis and H. Azil Illias, "FRA Indicator Limit for Faulty Winding Assessment in Rotating Machine," 2021 IEEE International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials (ICPADM), 2021, pp. 346-349, doi: 10.1109/ICPADM49635.2021.9493862.
H. H. Al-Katheri, M. F. M. Yousof, H. A. Illias and M. A. Talib, "Classification of Fault and Stray Gassing in Transformer Oil using SVM, NB and KNN Algorithms," 2021 IEEE International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials (ICPADM), 2021, pp. 326-329, doi: 10.1109/ICPADM49635.2021.9493941.
H. A. Illias, N. Ying Ting, O. Z. Yu, M. Kando, A. M. Ariffin and M. Fairouz Mohd Yousof, "Classification of Partial Discharges in Insulation Materials via Support Vector Machine and Discrete Wavelet Transform," 2021 IEEE International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials (ICPADM), 2021, pp. 25-28, doi: 10.1109/ICPADM49635.2021.9493984.
D. Fahmi, H. A. Illias, H. Mokhlis and I. M. Yulistya Negara, "Effect of Static Floating Particle Shapes on Partial Discharge Characteristics in Mineral Oil," 2021 IEEE International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials (ICPADM), 2021, pp. 147-150, doi: 10.1109/ICPADM49635.2021.9494002.
S. Sulaiman, A. M. Ariffin, T. M. Kuan, M. Osman, N. H. Nik Ali and H. A. Illias, "Polarization and Depolarization Current Analysis for Field Degraded Cross Linked Polyethylene Cables," 2021 IEEE International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials (ICPADM), 2021, pp. 434-437, doi: 10.1109/ICPADM49635.2021.9493953.
S. S. Wahdain, N. K. Ludin, A. I. Mohamed, H. A. Illias and M. K. Mohd Jamil, "Electric Field Distribution In Power Cable With Nano and Micro Filler With High and Low Permittivity," 2021 IEEE International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials (ICPADM), 2021, pp. 362-365, doi: 10.1109/ICPADM49635.2021.9493861.
H. A. Illias, Y. S. Chean, L. Y. Ling, H. Mokhlis, A. M. Ariffin and M. F. M. Yousof, "Corona Ring Design Impact on the Electric Field Distribution Surrounding an Insulator String," 2021 IEEE International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials (ICPADM), 2021, pp. 402-405, doi: 10.1109/ICPADM49635.2021.9493932.
S. S. Junian, M. Zul Hilmey Makmud, J. Dayou and H. A. Illias, "Breakdown Strength and Stability of Palm Oil Toughened with Natural Fibres as Liquid Insulation," 2021 IEEE International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials (ICPADM), 2021, pp. 45-48, doi: 10.1109/ICPADM49635.2021.9493901.
T. M. Kuan, A. M. Ariffin, S. Sulaiman, H. A. Illias and W. J. K. Raymond, "Advanced Polymeric Cable Degradation Diagnostics using Time Domain Reflectometry Technique," 2021 IEEE International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials (ICPADM), 2021, pp. 95-98, doi: 10.1109/ICPADM49635.2021.9493948.


H.A. Illias, J.Y. Yeo and Y.K. Ee, "Incipient Fault Determination in Oil-Insulated Power Equipment via Neural Network-Social Group Optimization," 2022 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy, 5-6 December 2022, Langkawi, Malaysia.


A. N. Yahaya, H. A. Illias, H. Mokhlis and D. Fahmi, "Back Flashover Performance of 500 kV Double Circuit Transmission Lines Struck by Lightning," 4th International Conference on Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies, 8-10 December 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
S. Dutta, H. A. Illias and A. Baral, "Estimation and Analysis of Heat Dissipation Capability of Dielectric Liquids Using Induction Time for Oil-Paper Insulation System," 4th International Conference on Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies, 8-10 December 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
S. Chen, N. N. Mansor, H. A. Illias and W. J. K. Raymond, "Partial Discharge Classification in Insulation Material via Discrete Wavelet Transform Noise Reduction and Artificial Neural Network," 4th International Conference on Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies, 8-10 December 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
S. M. K. Azam, M. Othman, T. A. Latef, H.A. Illias, A. K. M. Z. Hossain and A. A. Abaneh, "Chipless RFID Tag by V-shaped Multi-resonator for Partial Discharge-affected Equipment Identification," 4th International Conference on Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies, 8-10 December 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


H.A. Illias, "Optimization of Automatic Generation Control Performance for Power System of Two-Area based on Genetic Algorithm-Particle Swarm Optimization," IEEE 4th International Conference in Power Engineering Applications, 4-5 March 2024, Penang, Malaysia.
A. N. Yahaya, H. A. Illias, H. Mokhlis and D. Fahmi, M. T. M. Khairi, N. Abdullah, "Mitigation of VFTO From a Power Transformer Bushing in a 275 kV Gas Insulated Substation," International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA), 10–12 July 2024, Mataram, Indonesia.

Last Update: 19/02/2025